Well I used to really search for those cool secret codes that were used by service center professionals to check you mobile set or the OS in the phones or something else just by typing in a few weird numbers and letters and you could know a lot about the phone in just a few seconds. So I realized that after buying my android phone, I forgot to check if even the android phones have secret codes or not and then I found a few… so I thought why not share it with the people out there
So here is a small list of secret codes that I found would be useful to some people having android in their pockets
Get the IMEI Number:
Standard IMEI command for finding out what your Android devices IMEI number is.
Field Test:
Not supported by all units, will display a list of options for you to test and there is an option to log the information as well.
Basic Information of the Device:
This will show a screen with four on-screen options to choose from: – Phone Information – Battery information – History of Batteries – Usage Statistics
PUK unlock
**05*<PUK Code>*<enter a new pin>*<confirm the new pin>#
If you need to unlock you android phone this command can be run from the emergency calling screen, you will of course need your PUK code which came with your Sim card or if you don’t have it you can always contact your service provider to obtain the code.
Dialer Log Enabled
Stored your last 20 calls on the phone, you can find the data in the following /data/data/com.android.voicedialer/app_logdir
Dialer Log Disabled
Disables the above mentioned call logging
Opens a files copy screen:
This opens a screen where you can backup your media files e.g. Images, Sound, Video and Voice memo.
Service mode log:
You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode.
Various tests / setting changes in service mode:
Test Code: WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth:
*#*#232339#*#* – test WLAN *#*#526#*#* – test WLAN *#*#528#*#* – test WLAN (Use the “Menu” to launch a variety of test) *#*#232338#*#* – Displays the MAC address of the WiFi *#*#1472365#*#* – GPS test *#*#1575#*#* – another test GPS. *#*#232331#*#* – Bluetooth test *#*#232337 # *# – Displays the Bluetooth address
The code to launch various Factory Tests:
*#*#0283#*#* – Loopback packet *#*#0 *#*#* – LCD test *#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#* – Melody test *#*#0842#*#* – Device tests (Vibration, and Backlight test) *#*#2663#*#* – Touch screenversion *#*#2664#*#* – Touch screen test *#*#0588#*#* – Proximity sensor test *#*#3264#*#* – RAM version
Resets the data to the original phone status:

Once you choose this option you will get a prompt screen to confirm that you want to go ahead with this process (Reset Phone) or you can always choose to cancel at the prompt screen
This will erase –
Google account settings – System and
applicationdata and settings – Applications that were downloaded
and will have no affect on- Current software systems and application packages – CardSD files such as music files, photos etc.
Format Phone to original manufacturer settings:
WARNING: This deletes all files, settings (including internal memory storage) and re-install the actual firmware of the phone set. AND THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION PROMPT SCREEN AFTER YOU PUT IN THE CODE , SO NO OPTION TO CANCEL , except you can remove the battery as soon as possible.
Camera Phones Information:
- Update the firmware of the camera in the picture (DO NOT TRY THIS OPTION) – Update the camera firmware in the SD card – Get the camera firmware version – Get count of firmware updates WARNING:Do not use the first option, the camera phone will not work properly after that and you’ll have to take your phone to a service centre to reinstall the firmware of the camera.
Changes the “Power” action on your phone keypad:
So by default, if you press the button for a moment, it will show a screen that asks you to selectoptions from the Silent mode, and Turn off Airplane mode phone. You can change the action using this code. You can activate this power directly from the button so you do not have to waste your time in choosing the option.
P.S. Well I don’t know why but I tried this on a few phones but some of the codes work on my android phone but not in the other… so maybe it depends on the make (brand) or the model of the phone as well… so please do let me know if you find something relevant to this topic that would help me and the people who would be reading this
Thank You and have a nice day

A tung a teng pen hopsawn, hawpsawnsawn mah hi.
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